Written on
25 Apr 2024
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A job can sometimes give you much more than an audiobook credit.  

I was thrilled when I won the assignment from #DeyanAudio and #Tantor to narrate the new book by #CharMargolis, "You Are Psychic - 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities."  

I could truly relate to the content -- there was a healthy history of psychic events among of my family.  I had had an incredible one of my own shortly after the birth of my son when a series of stitches burst and I nearly bled to death.  My husband told me afterwards that a quick-thinking nurse turned my hospital bed on end until they could get me into surgery.  

All I could remember was the voice of my recently deceased mother as she carried me away from an incredibly bright light, along a dark passage and told me it was not my time yet, that my child needed me and there many things I needed yet to do.

I often sensed my mother at my shoulder throughout the narration of the book.  When I read the closing credits, I had to stop because I was crying.  The screen went blank and I could feel my mother and her (also deceased) identical twin sister standing beside me.  

Thank you, Char, for enabling me to receive that precious outreach.

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