Profile Review
Nicola Delgado
Location Burbank, United States
Experience Level
26-70 Audiobooks
Visit Nicola in Social Networks
Nicola’s Roles
  • Actor
  • Multi-cultural Narrator
  • Narrator
Nicola’s Skills
  • Accent and Dialect Research
  • Accent Specialist
  • Accents
  • Actors Equity Association
  • Actress
  • Adobe Audition
  • American accent
  • Animal foster
  • Audiobook Narrartor/ Actress
  • Australian Accent
  • British
  • British Accent
  • British Accent/RP
  • British American Drama Academy
  • British Midlands Accent
  • British Native Accent
  • British OP accent - Original Pronunciation
  • British Regional Accents
  • British RP accent
  • Caribbean Diaspora
  • Classically Trained Actor
  • Cockney Accent
  • Cozy Mystery
  • Crocheter
  • English native accent
  • European Accents
  • Formula One enthusiast
  • Gardening
  • Historical Fiction
  • Improv comedy
  • Improvisor
  • Irish accent
  • Jamaican Accent
  • Jewish
  • London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
  • Multi Cultural
  • Mystery
  • N and S Irish Accents
  • Period/Historic Fiction
  • Pie Maker
  • Psychological Thrillers
  • Punch and Roll
  • Renaissance Faire sword combat
  • Scottish accent
  • Shakespeare
  • South African accent
  • Sports Parent
  • Stage Combat
  • Storytellling
  • Sword and Shield
  • Theatre
  • Thriller
  • UK Dialects
  • UK regional accents
  • UK-trained Actor
  • US Dialects
  • Various Accents
  • Welsh Accent
  • West Country Accent
About Nicola

As a multi-racial and multi-ethnic woman, I have emigrated twice. The experience of not being moored in any one community for long, as a child, gives me a perspective that informs my work, along with my theater training. My ability with characters, accents and dialects are great for the densely populated works of mysteries and romances. I love wry witty dark comedies and fantasy fiction based in myth and legend. I also have an affinity for Literary Romanticism, like Thomas Hardy and Emily Bronte so historical fiction is a place I find very cozy! Stories of the Caribbean Diaspora are of particular interest to me at ... more the moment. I am dubiously adept in wrangling a teenage boy and his waterpolo team. I sew, I bake, I garden, and drink too many cups of tea, which often are left strewn around the house! I love cats and greyhounds, and chocolate. Odd Facts include: I worked on an Academy award winning documentary film - logging and transcribing the stories of Kinder-transport survivors during World War 2. I am fascinated with the history of Jewish settlers in the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora in general. I have been a post production supervisor. I teach dialects and coach acting for teens. I used to study ballet once upon a time, that transitioned to stage combat in college, where wielding a broadsword or rapier and dagger was my preferred state. I performed in various combat shows, classical theatre, experimental theatre and regional theatre. Strange but true: Ten years ago I learned to swim, and now enjoy swimming very slowly and badly (in a pool)- My son says I really just float. Why did I send him to Improv classes? At the end of the last century, I attended Columbia College, Chicago, where I majored in Theatre, mentored by Sheldon Patinkin and Norm Holly. I graduated with a BA and completed the Conservatory program at The Second City in Chicago and was a certified stage combatant trained by David Wooley. Soon after, the British American Drama Academy, there I studied with great teachers such as Claire Davidson, Henry Goodman, Fiona Shaw, Juliet Stevenson and Paola Dionsotti, to name but a few. I specialized in character, movement and dialects. I have since worked in such venues as The Berkeley Rep and The Magic Theatre, Pasadena Shakespeare Company, The Company Rep, and Lamplighters Theatre. Ta-da! Now I enjoy many hours in a small padded room with a microphone! less

Resumé or CV
Featured Works
  • Mother and Daughter dialogue - Nort
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Thriller/Mystery
    Gender/Age: Female - Adult
    Base Accent: British
    Dialects: British - Local Dialects
    Keywords: first Person, dialogue, dialog, Northern, British, Dramatic,
  • The Oversight - Fantasy Thriller -
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Sci-Fi/Fantasy
    Base Accent: British
    Dialects: British - Local Dialects
    Keywords: Fantasy, thriller, dark, London,
  • 1st Person - Cozy Mystery - Tea Roo
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Comedy
    Gender/Age: Female - Older
    Base Accent: British
    Dialects: British - Local Dialects
    Keywords: Comedy, British, Characters
  • 3rd Person - Classic Literature - T
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Literary/General
    Gender/Age: Female - Adult
    Base Accent: British
    Keywords: Literary
  • 3rd Person - Jamaican and British C
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Literary/General
    Gender/Age: Female - Adult
    Base Accent: Other
    Dialects: Other Commonwealth
    Keywords: Historical Fiction, Plantation culture
  • 3rd Person - Comedy - Very British
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Comedy
    Gender/Age: Female - Adult
    Base Accent: British
    Dialects: British - Standard
    Keywords: Cynical
  • 1st Person - Northern British - Mys
    Genre(-s): Fiction - Thriller/Mystery
    Gender/Age: Female - Adult
    Base Accent: British
    Dialects: British - Local Dialects